Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hope everyone had a fun, safe Halloween!  And a happy All Saint's Day today!

We recently started making our own house hold cleaners, dish soaps, laundry soap, shampoo etc.  So far so good!  I'm really happy with the quality and they clean just as good or better than the national brands!  To keep streaks off of the glass we use newspaper and add a teaspoon of alcohol to our other cleaners, ta-da!

The meat birds are in the freezer now.  DH is still figuring out a killing cone design.  We have also thought of the idea of having a local chicken "killing class". Sounds brutal but it seems there are more and more folks leaving the nest these days without the basic skill of slaughtering and carving a chicken!  Never fear, we are here to help!  Work on the big 'bator is still in progress.  I WILL post pics and a step by step of the construction.   If it turns out well, I want to share!

Ever closer grows the reality of the new house.  We are desperately needing more space!  Not IN the house, OUTside of the house!  I would much prefer an older house, but we will just have to see how that works out.

Back to Serama business: We ended up with 2 eggs yesterday. Both from Cinnamon or one from silkie, I have no idea but I was stoked!  Our incubator is out on loan at the moment to a 4H homeschooler so I had them put the eggs in there for me. Not getting too excited about these since they are the first eggs from a young trio, but it never hurts to try!  Besides, Serama eggs are the size of grapes..too small to eat!

We are celebrating cookies today, according to the oldest child (we will call her #1) so I must finish my baking duties.  :o)

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