Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's the date again..?

As I mentioned before, or maybe I didn't, we home school our two girls.  We have been learning all about the seasons but with it being 85 degrees and sunny it's kind of hard to explain to small children that the weather really DOES change.  : /

Although I think all my chickens are more than pleased, all be it a little confused, about the warm lingering weather I am just sick of it!  I am ready for boots and scarves.  Hot chocolate and a fire crackling in the fireplace.  This is insane, we have always toyed around with the idea of leaving Texas, this may be just what we needed to boot us out.


1 comment:

  1. We haven't had our first "real" snow yet but I'm sure it's coming. It has been a fairly warm season here too, we're in SE Ohio. I'll be on maternity leave this winter so I'm sure I'll enjoy watching the snow fall. I think snow is pretty until I'm driving through it :)
